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January 21, 2010

Email A Blog Post

Google recently added a new feature to their blogging applications.  The feature allows you to email a blog post to any email account.

You can do so by clicking the mail icon (looks like the picture immediately below) at end end of the blog post (down there by the COMMENTS link) and entering in one ore more email addresses.

So, if you read something interesting here and want to send it to one of your friends... go for it.

What this feature does is send an email with the blog entry title and a link back to the blog. You can add some text to tell the person you email why you passed along the story (e.g., 'hey.. click the link to the blog below for a review of the 2010 BLOGGIES'.).

Personally, I think this feature would have much more appeal if it simply sent the blog entry contents (text and pictures) within the email itself.  As is, you can do just about the same thing by copying and pasting the blog entry into an email message.  Admittedly, that takes one or two more steps.. so maybe Blogger really is doing something that helps.

In any event.. enjoy.

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