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January 31, 2010

Didn't Know!

If it's the last weekend of January - it's the Golden Gate Kennel Club dog show.  This year we had the good fortune to be able to bring Hannah, Maggie and Corbett along with us to the festivities!  Here they all are in from the our venue - the Cow Palace!

It's interesting to see the relationships that occur before dogs and their owners.  Here's a woman that hasn't quite figure out yet that her 80 lb bull dog really isn't a child.  Shhhhhh.  Don't tell her.

I just thought this bad boy looked good.  Very royal.. with the purple and all.

Here's two really cute Norwich terriers (we think!).  We are really getting into smaller dogs lately - since we love Indy (the perfect dog) so much!

It was a fun afternoon and my favorite quote of the day was from Maggie - who actually doesn't really even like dogs all that much.  "Wow, I didn't know there were so many KINDS of dogs!"


Joel said...

people, seriously, I need a dog.

Hannah said...

Look at that SATCHEL! Boo-YAH!

Joel said...

"I get a lot of compliments on my satchel. Besides, Indiana Jones wears one."

Tod Henderson said...

you are aware that indiana jones is fictional :)

Joel said...

padre, it's a movie quote. Notice the quote marks.

Hannah said...

Bro - you WON Christmas present of the year. Congratulations. I bought a BOMB Satchel at Urban... only to find out it was VINTAGE COACH!!! It was truly the highlight of January

Tod Henderson said...

ahhhhhhh. good point.

Hannah said...

why is no one commenting on my satchel?

Update: I am crocheting a beanie. If it turns out, everyone related through blood or love to me will be receiving one.

The Hendersons said...

hey beautiful - your satchel is AMAZING. probably so amazing it is stunning our readers into a satchelicious stupor - rendering them unable to type.

~joanne said...

Hannah, Steve can't wait for his...and he is requesting it in 'blonde'!

~joanne said...

If I knew what a 'satchel' was, I would comment!