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April 1, 2010

Meet the Schlams!

Okay.  That title is a totally fabricated.  In fact, meet Nancy Schlink and Peter Lam and their new son, Noah.

Nancy and Peter are two of the nicest, kindest people you'll ever meet.  You've seen both of them on the blog before.  Nancy is the wonderful baker who provided Julie cooking lessons for her birthday last year.  And Peter participates in all the Highway cookouts we do each Spring and Summer - starting again this year with Easter on Sunday.  It was also Nancy and Peter's dog, Katie, that spent a couple of weeks with us recently.

I say they have a new son because they just returned from China where they adopted Noah into their family.  It has been a wild experience - one which you can keep track of by reading their blog The Adventures of Noah.  I highly encourage you to check it out - and to pray for them and encourage them as they transition this boy into America as well as adapt to having an instant two-year old (who doesn't speak English!!). 

Note: There's also a navigation link to their site over there on the left side of the page if you forget.

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