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April 1, 2009

Better Late Than Never!

Last week Hannah returned from Spring Break in Cancun. With her she brought a whole bunch of fun memories along with 2 medical issues!

1) a severely sunburned left leg
2) a bad case of Giardia (you don't want to know)

The next day Jules took our crispy baked, Giardia plagued daughter to the doctor and came back with a veritable fistfull of medications, creams, ointments, gauze and bandages.

The first day home Hannah literally slept 20 hours on the couch. But finally the treatments kicked in.. and here she is: vertical, dressed, bandaged and ready to take on the day!

One funny story. We were walking at Santana Row between Pink Berry (frozen yogurt) and the movie theatre where we were about to watch a movie. Some people were staring at Hannah - obviously trying to figure out what was up with her leg. All of a sudden Hannah let's out a loud 'it's a SHARK BITE people... but I'm okay!'.

Welcome back Hannah! We love you!


Lurinda said...

Welcome back to the living, Hannah. Glad all is well with you. Hope you had as much fun on your trip as your dad has had with your return. From recent past experience, he is not easy on the sick. Love ya and just remember we will get even!

~joanne said...

That's our Hannah!

Joel said...

Now both Henderson children can claim sunburns so bad we needed medical attention. Nice!

~joanne said...

Your in the "burn--baby--burn club"!

or "sizzle club"