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April 20, 2009


Okay, under normal circumstances this post would be about who was 'first in' the pool this year. Saturday was a gorgeous day - tipping 90 degrees; a perfect day for a first dip.

Under normal circumstances we would award 'first-in' using fairly straightforward criteria - such as visually identifying who gets wet first and telling you. This is the type of picture you would expect under normal situations; everyone smiling.

However, this year we have some 'special circumstances' which require a certain level of detente in making this award - to avoid dealing with the following attitudes.

So, without further ado.. let me get to it. You won't be surprised to hear that we have multiple winners!

Rachel [almost Logan] Massey - recipient of the following:
  • most in emotional need of being first-in
  • it's your wedding week - so you're first-in
  • designated first-in by those technically breaking the surface of the water earlier
  • person first-in fully clothed
Jon Logan - recipient of the following:
  • Logan or near-Logan first arriving in a non-predominantly oxygen filled location
  • Logan first to concede victory to his soon-to-be wife although technically qualified to be crowned
  • smartest non-winner in order to receive later - much bigger - victory reward
  • individual most likely to be viewed as winner by non-friends or relatives
Julie Henderson - recipient of the following:
  • most likely to reveal classified first-in plans to the enemy
  • most likely to look the other way to avoid having an opinion award

Whew... this diplomacy stuff is hard work.


~joanne said...

everyone looks dry to me!??

Joel said...

As a non-partial (non-French), super-secret judge (so secret the owner of this blog didn't even know about my appointment until now), I will help clear up this mess: Jon wins. As we may remember, Rachel usurped Jon's "first-in" claim last year, and therefore forfeited any claim to sympathy votes in years to come. Since Jon was indeed, by testimony of a confessed witness, first into the pool, he is therefore awarded the honor.

Tod Henderson said...

joanne - good point.. but this picture was taken 15 minutes after the event after folks had changed their clothes.

please keep in mind that rachel went in in street clothes and this is a family blog ;)

julie said...

Tod is being too modest he also went in wearing street clothes. He had just enough time to remove his glasses and pedometer. Whew!!

Hannah said...

someone tell Rachel she is looking so trim these days! Can i get on that diet?!?!? Does it include cookie dough or leaves???

Hannah said...

Stop being sexist Joel. Please. Raquel won for sure!

Joel said...

What's wrong with being sexy?

Anonymous said...

Hannah: Yes, there are a lot of leaves, and definitely a healthy amount of cookie dough. The rest of that cookie dough only lasted until about um, the next day. Oh yeah.