Today is the start of the Masters... but that doesn't mean that we don't care about what's going on in your life! Tell us about it...
Tod: Remembering that my sister has been to The Masters and I haven't. Need any further proof that the world is not fair?
Tod: You do??? okay.. how about this one.. 47% of Americans pay no income taxes at all. In fact, the bottom 40 percent, on average, make a profit from the federal income tax, meaning they get more money in tax credits than they would otherwise owe in taxes. The government sends them a payment.
Tod: Planning on getting bed sores watching The Masters this weekend.
Tod: Leftover bone sugar cookies were quite the hit at work this morning. So, why does everyone just say.. 'thank your wife for me'? Aren't I the one that personally delivered them to your desk??
It's Been Forever......
7 years ago
I helped solve a mystery at work today. Turns out the guy was dead.
I am one month away from my official due date. At this point, I'm done baking enough, but I'm not at that golden brown stage: nice and crispy on the outside and warm and gooey on the inside. Still need a few more weeks.
Is enjoying Chicago!
Went to the Museum of Science and Industry yesterday
Went to the Shedd Aquarium today!
I have a surprise for the Henderson family!!!!
OH I just love surprises!! We are all going to Germany spring of 2011?
Joel were you eating something from the Great Harvest Bread Co. when Ryan wrote that comment?
who was dead??
madre, nope, my little Ryan is just flexing his metaphorical muscles. Like father, like son :D
padre, his name was Van Riper. It's a long, convoluted tale, full of intrigue and shrouded in fog-like foreboding. Top secret. Not suitable for the famblog.
hang in there ryan... you're doing awesome. we can't wait to see you in person - instead of just reading your writings!
joanne! you are on quite the Chicago-athon! what did you do today??
Just sitting here...remembering where I was just a year ago....oh that would be the Masters! Boy was that fun.....
Went to Millenium Park...saw 'The Bean'...paid too much to park for an hour!
Friday went to Lincoln Park Zoo...paid too much for parking again!
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