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August 9, 2008

Dammit, Dammit, Dammit

No! I am not swearing! Instead, I am announcing Julie's successful completion of her third (pronounced 'turd' in Irish) Los Gatos Dammit Run!

The Dammit Run is a 5 mile run from Los Gatos High School - to the top of Lexington Reservoir and a nearby mountain - and then back down to Los Gatos High School.

This year she was flanked during her attempt by both Andrea (her friend and 10 time marathon finisher) as well as Tod. Julie did an awesome job the first two miles. The next mile or so is total uphill pain! I think her direct quote was 'my chest hurts'. But, once at the glorious, wonderful, amazing peak.. it's all DOWN HILL to the finish. So, she finished strong - with her wingman. She finished in 65 minutes.. which was a minute slower than last year. But - still 14 minutes than the first year! Hannah puts the blame squarely on me for 'being to soft on her' as she ran. She insists that next year she is going to run with Julie and whip her into shape for a personal best.

I am so proud of Julie for all the work she does in taking care of herself. It's so fun to be fit and able to do so many things with her. So.. expect another report about this time next year - Dammit!


Anonymous said...

Great job Julie. I am so proud of you. I don't think I would have made it the first 2 miles before I started to complain of chest pain! I do walk everynight--but at a very respectable 3 miles-an-hour pace. Great Job!

julie said...

I so wanted to beat my time from last year. The uphill is killer. I wanted to vomit too!! As a finisher all I can do is start training for next year.

~joanne said...

I think you deserve a massage...do it for Team Henderson!!

Do I have to start running now?...tell me no...please!

Joel said...

Way to be a finisher, madre! Totally flippin' sweet!