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August 31, 2008

Saturday Morning

Here's Julie and Jon Logan putting on a little end of summer garage sale Saturday morning.

The Henderson's goal was to do a little garage cleaning! We were happy to clear some stuff out that had just been taking up space and see it put to good use by people that could use it.

Team Logan (Jon and Rachel) have been taking an awesome class on managing their finances.. and were looking to cut back on some unneeded items and trim their expenses. That's pretty good for such young people to be putting their financial house in such good order!

Tod even contributed (once he got out of bed) by trekking to Stan's Donuts to make sure the troops were well fed and had a sufficient sugar high to get them through the morning. We all have something to do! And - yes! We had lemonade for our guests! Doesn't everyone?


~joanne said...

Julie..you parting with your Spartan sweatshirt??

I zoomed in to see if there was anything good!..nope...*Ü*

julie said...

That was a my MSU sweatshirt from years gone by size XL too. Yesterday I wore the green and white with pride at the CAL game. We only ran the sale from 8-12 and after noon everything was free!! Made my neighbors happy.

julie said...

Also selling lots of Tod's fat clothes. He tried on one pair of shorts over his clothes and we were shocked at the size difference.Good job Tod.

Joel said...

You guys sold my discus shoes!