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August 26, 2008

Excellent Joke

The following was sent to me by a colleague at work (obviously, not one of our finer people)...

A farmer was walking in his fields near Ann Arbor, Michigan and he heard the sound of distant singing. Confused, he tried to follow the sound. It led him to a group of his cattle and surprisingly to the rear end of one little calf. He bent down and lifted the tail so he could hear clearer and it was the University of Michigan Fight Song!

Amazed, the farmer loaded his calf into a trailer and drove into town. He went to see his vet and explained what he had discovered. The vet said "well, bring em out and we'll take a look." So the farmer led the calf out of his trailer and up the vet. The vet bent down, lifted the tail and calmly stood back up. "Sure enough, that is the University of Michigan Fight Song."

The farmer was ecstatic. "Doc! Why aren't you more excited!? This is amazing! Unheard of! We gotta tell people!"

The vet, a third generation Michigan State University grad said, "Hell Bud, I'm a Spartan - I have been listening to buttholes sing that song my whole life."

PS - okay, that's funny.. but remember the reason you keep hearing the song is we've been kicking your butt for years!


Joel said...

I can't tell whether or not this joke is poking fun at Michigan or Michigan State. Can it go both ways?

The Hendersons said...

i like the way you are thinking.. son!

Lurinda said...

Chris says, Michigan is the butt of the joke. Go State! Great joke Uncle Tod!

The Hendersons said...

i thought you folks might particularly enjoy this one ;)
glad i didn't disappoint you!