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August 17, 2008

Nomination: Henderson Best Of's

Okay.. before I get to blogging specifically about Oregon and our trip.. which we are in the midst of.. I want to take a brief moment and place into nomination the Klamath Falls rest area - north of Yreka near the Oregon border - as the Henderson's official 'Nicest Rest Area' Award winner.

This rest stop - undoubtably - was the result of massive pork barrel spending on the part of
some local politician - because it is way nicer than any I have experienced.

You don't get the full impact by the pictures I've taken.. but let me say that when you drive into a rest stop and the you are notified that the "South Facilities" are undergoing renovation and you need to proceed 1/8 mile to the "North Facilities" - you're at a nice rest stop.

Another indication that you might be experiencing a really nice rest area: covered picnic areas. Not one. Not two. How about 20 or 30!! Sweet. Also - note that they are not your run of the mill wooden picnic tables. Not here! They are wonderful concrete tables with fully shingled canopies.

Now it's your turn. Let's here your nominations for best (or worse) rest areas! I can't wait to hear what you all have experienced - or your suggestions for where we should visit!


Joel said...

We've seen some rest stops in our days, and that one look pretty flippin' sweet. I remember always looking forward to stopping at the rest stop somewhere along I-80 where you could see bison in a huge field across the street.

The Hendersons said...

hey - wasn't there some rest stop near D avenue that had something goofy happen at it?

Anonymous said...

Don't they all have something goofy happening at them. Rest Areas are WEIRD MAGNETS (kind of like Walmart)!!!