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March 4, 2009

Butt Boy

Folks, I have just arrived in San Diego to hang with my sister and her family. We're heading over to see my nephew, Chris in the morning. I think my sister said we are leaving at 5:00 am... but I am hoping I was hallucinating at the time she spoke those words and that we are really going over at noon. I'll let you know how that turns out.

So, my sister's friend, Vicky, is along for the trip and apparently, she's liking California very much - thank you!

In fact, she seems enamored with the mighty pacific ocean - which is across the street from their condo. Here's a picturesque view of the pier taken from their balcony (at night)!

The specific aspect of the pacific she likes the best is a feature she calls 'butt boy'. As it turns out .. this is butt boy.

Yes, butt boy is a California surfer that practices his wares just across from my sister's condo.

Out of respect for our readership I am not going to share with you some of the anatomically correct comments that I have heard about this man tonight. Suffice to say, Vicky is loving California. In fact she just fell asleep on the couch next to me with this gynormous grin on her face.. and I swear that each time she exhales I hear her murmur... 'oh butt boy'....


~joanne said...

I think I could like CA too!

Vicki said...

Can't blame her!