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March 12, 2009

Turning Green Part III

Okay.. you knew this whole 'turning green' thing was heading somewhere... so let's just get to it.

Yes, this is Lurinda turning green on our Nature Cruise (I'll post more about that shortly (the cruise I mean ... not Lurinda turning green).

To be fair, she did really good for quite awhile but then the motion sickness got to her as it did to many that were on the boat (including me for a brief moment!). So, she definitely was not alone.

Sorry sis! I was relieved when we got back to shore and you were feeling better ;)

Love ya!


~joanne said...

Tod..that's just mean to do that to your sister....

The Hendersons said...

hey - i didn't make her queezy... the ocean did that!

Lurinda said...

You are very lucky I am in MI!

Not funny at all! Just remember I know you were also green on this cruise...or have you forgotten.

Vicky said...

Well, you knew it had to happen sooner or later! I am just glad to say that I kept my cookies!