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March 17, 2009

High Drama for Suckers

Have you ever had a friend who was a total drama queen? You know the type - they run around creating all kinds of drama and then have the audacity to complain about having to 'deal' with the drama? In many cases they create drama just so they can 'solve the drama' and look like the hero! Drama, drama, drama.

Well, I hope you're aware that's exactly what Congress is perpetrating on the American people with this whole AIG bonus fiasco.

Step 1: Create the Drama
Last month, the Senate unanimously approved an amendment to the stimulus bill aimed at restricting bonuses over $100,000 at any company receiving federal bailout funds. The measure, which was drafted by Sen. Olympia Snowe, R-Maine, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., applied these restrictions retroactively to bonuses received or promised in 2008 and onward.

But then...

The provision was stripped out during the closed-door conference negotiations involving House and Senate leaders and the White House. A measure by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., to limit executive compensation replaced it. But Dodd's measure explicitly exempted bonuses agreed to prior to the passage of the stimulus bill.

Oh.. and lest you believe that Mr. Dodd knew nothing about these bonuses before he wrote that little ditty it is now widely being reported that: The bonuses were paid legally, part of a program that had been disclosed in advance in filings that American International Group Inc. made with the government.

Step 2: Sell the Drama
Here's what Mr. Dodd had to say yesterday about the AIG bonuses: "One way or another, we're going to try to figure out how to get these resources back," said Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., the panel's chairman.

Well, Mr. Dodd, you could have not put your amendment into the bill. That could have been one way or another to avoid this problem.

Step 3: Swoop in to 'Fix' the Drama
Well, now that you have created a problem... you'll need someone to fix it.. and I know you folks think you have just the right people for the job: yourselves!

"Recipients of these bonuses will not be able to keep all of their money," declared Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, in an unusually strong threat delivered on the Senate floor.

"If you don't return it on your own we will do it for you," said Chuck Schumer of New York

House and Senate Democrats were crafting separate bills to tax up to 100 percent of generous bonuses awarded by companies rescued by taxpayer money.

So, there you go. Now Congress is considering turning it's considerable might and power to writing legislation that steals money (ill gotten i agree, but legally gotten) from individuals it feels make too much money. This is downright scary people. All under the guise of 'doing the right thing'?

Of course, this is just a drama - and it's likely Congress will do absolutely nothing - because they likely can't, legally (meaning following the rules they legislated). But, they'll put on a good show for you.

Step 4: Laugh at the Suckers
Yes. The next step is to laugh at YOU and I - the suckers. Because for some reason we actually think the problem is the AIG bonus payments!

Congress has effectively - intentionally - allowed those payments that they knew all about - well before they wrote the Stimulus Bill.

If people weren't such suckers for a good drama.. they would sit back and take a look at all this and realize that Congress is the problem. They write the laws and they write the checks. And yet they are so good at playing you that they think they can sell you on the idea the problem resides at AIG. Sadly, they seem to be succeeding gloriously!

Step 5: Get Re-Elected and Repeat
Of course, their biggest laugh at your expense will come when you vote your Congressperson back into office in a couple years.

BTW.. if you think this an isolated case.. check this out. Remember Speaker Nancy Pelosi yelling at the auto industry executives about their private planes? How does she get around? Commercial flights.. just like she expects others to .. right? Ummm, she flies in a private plane - compliments of the US taxpayers and piloted by the US Air Force. Every time she takes off her shoes and kicks back in that leather chair after takeoff I'm sure she lets out a big laugh.

1 comment:

~joanne said...

It does bug me that people keep re-electing these crooks back in..I mean, it's one thing to have them IN office but then to Re-elect them after what you learn about them.

They really do think we are idiots..and sometimes we act like one...like re-electing dufus into office! They must just chuckle when they see another 'stunt' pulled off.

I picture them sitting around in a circle saying...."what can we try to pull next...I never thought they would go for that last one!"