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March 12, 2009

Turning Green Part I

While down in San Diego last weekend I got the chance to hang out with my sister, Lurinda, which was cool. However, that meant that I had to hang out with her camera as well.

Let's just say - I have a serious case of camera envy. Yep, I'm green as Shrek in the camera area.

Check that baby out.

For you camera enthusiasts that's a Nikon D300 body.. with a 1.7x telephoto adapter.. with like a 70-300mm f2.8 lens (if memory serves me) at the end. I think it weighs 6 pounds.

To give you a sense of the zoom... Lurinda asked me to use her camera to take a picture of her and Chris. No problem I said. Well, I literally had to walk 30 feet away just to get their two torsos in the frame together at minimal zoom.

Sheeesh... and don't even get me going on the click-click-click-click-click sound I had to hear all weekend as my little camera-that-could would go click..............click..............click.

She's back in Michigan now. I think I'll be okay.


Travel-PB said...

That really is a piece of equipment to be proud of. I know I would be...
Until I can afford something like that, my old Olympus C-5060 will just have to do. :(

You can check out some of the results on my blog: photo-blogging.blogspot.com.

Have fun and keep blogging!

The Hendersons said...

Marko - thanks for visiting! Yeah, there is a subtle price difference between her camera/lens and my Olympus e520.

I briefly checked out your blog and you don't do too shabby with a camera either ;)

Have a great week!

Vicki said...

I noticed the lense was bigger than the actual camera! No wonder her photos are always so beautiful!

~joanne said...

Hey, what about my Olympus FE-210..since we are strutting our stuff! =)...Sam's Club, 'bout a year ago and the bonus pack to boot...119.99! Don't mess with me.

Does she have a mini tripod for the lens??

Lurinda said...

Thanks for the post bro...can't wait to see part II!

Yes, I am back in MI but only in body...talking to Vicky right now & we are both mentally back in Cal still!