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March 4, 2009

Mrs. MacGyver!

My wife is Mrs. MacGyver! Boo-yah!!

Everyday we get up, walk outside in the rain, pick up our paper, walk inside, dry it out and open it up to find the headline: Drought! Governator Declares Water Rationing Plan! California To Raise Water Rates in Response to Drought!

Then we walk back inside, get ready for work, drive to work in the pouring rain, watch it rain all day long and then drive home in a pouring rain ;) [you don't think I have a little cabin fever do ya??]

Anyways, I'm preparing to go on a short trip to San Diego to see my nephew graduate from Marine Corp basic training and the pool was getting very full again. So, I called Julie on my way home last night to let her know I was planning on draining some water from the pool. I didn't want to spend the weekend worrying about it overflowing. You see, the forecast is for rain all weekend - combined with continued Drought!.

It's not that big a deal to pump some water from the pool.. but it's a bit of a nasty job and not one I look forward to with yearning.

Not any more!! My audacious, spectacular, gynormously wonderful and talented wife totally rocks! She had been anticipating the next pumping.. and found some couplers that make hooking the drain hose up to the outtake of the pump a complete breeze! When I got home she was running around in the back/side yard with a mini flashlight in her mouth and a wrench in her hand.. putting the final touches on our new drainage system [in a driving rain of course]!

Once again and may I repeat for all...: BOO-YAH!

My wife totally MacGyver'd that baby! And it only took 2 trips to the hardware store!

Julie - you are awesome!!


~joanne said...

She is picking up where Mr Fix-it has left off...

I always tell Steve we are pretty handy because we had no brothers (roll of eyes by Steve!)

Go Julie..what an accomplishment!

Vicki said...

Julie - you rock!

Joel said...

madre, you deserve mad props for MacGyvering a water drainage pump, though I still remain the only Henderson who, by sheer strength of will, can siphon the pool with nothing but a garden hose and my lungs. Sha boo that!

The Hendersons said...

joel - as we were pumping the pool out during the early days of the drought (a month ago).. your mother and I enjoyed a hearty laugh while recalling that mighty siphoning feat.

as i recall, you did that with your right lung tied behind your back, eh?


julie said...

My favorite thing to fix is the dryer.Very few parts.

When I fix things it also becomes very personal between me and the appliance. I will even threaten it with replacement if it keeps up the problem.

julie said...

I forgot to give a shout out to my peeps at Orchard Supply Hardware.They love it when I bring parts with me so I can be sure to get the right matching parts.