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March 8, 2009

US Marine Corp Private Chris McGee

Friday I had the distinct honor of attending the graduation ceremony for my nephew, Chris, who completed 13 rigorous weeks of Marine Corp boot camp to become one of America's 370 newest Marines!

It was an educational two days visiting with Chris at the training facility and learning more about the Marines and the process he just completed as well as witnessing his graduation! I hope you get a chance to hear many of the stories of his training.

Graduation day started out with a flag ceremony at the General's House. It was a moving ceremony that allowed the parents and friends to hear inspirational words from the commanding Brigadier General of the training depot. It is clear that they love their job and understand how to mold new recruits into a cohesive Marine Corp. They should be very proud because I can already detect many changes in my nephew!

The graduation ceremony took place a couple hours after the flag ceremony. Chris was a part of India (I) Company. I company comprises 6 platoons. Chris was part of platoon 3211. Here's the platoons lined up and ready to march on the 'parade deck' into graduation. ('deck' is the Marine term for ground).

Here's the Marine Band leading the platoons through their final drills.

Here's the Marine mascot - an english bulldog! Join the Marines! Walk the Dog!

Here's platoon 3211 at the far side of the parade deck on a spectacular Friday.

And here's the platoon in front of the review stands.

Here's a zoom of the platoon. Chris is 2nd from the right in the back row (or in the middle of the picture in the rear!).

Immediately after the graduation mom (Lurinda) hit the parade deck to give her Marine a huge hug and some words of pride and congratulations!

Here's the proud father with his new Marine.

Here's Cassie - glad to have her boyfriend back!

This is my sister's great friend, Vicky, with the graduate!

And here's Uncle Tod representing Team Henderson on this most auspicious of occasions! We are all immensely proud of the service and sacrifice to which you are dedicated. Chris, you have our very best wishes as you enjoy your leave and then return for additional infantry training! Ooh-rah!


~joanne said...

Congratulations; Lurinda..you must be so proud of Chris!...all the best to him!

julie said...

Chris you look great! They must work you guys hard.

Enjoy Disneyland and hope to see you soon in uniform!

Lurinda said...

Thanks all...we are very proud of Chris...I will pass on the comments to him...it is such a nice sight to see all of these new Marines in uniform...

Hey bro...Vicky wants to know is that the best photo of her! I have one that is much better...do I need to get it to you.

Lurinda said...

Oh by the way the dog's name is Molly...she is the first and only female recruit that has been trained at MCRD.

Vicky said...

To have an honorable mention in the "Blog to beat all blogs" is quite a fete. Thanks for the memories, Todd!

I definitely left part of me there is sunny California. Cannot wait to return. PEACE out!

The Hendersons said...

Lurinda... definitely send out a better picture. I will post it.

and Vicki.. there are three things that I will remember about you during the trip. want me to list them? ;) that would definitely be a dis-honorable mention ;)