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March 18, 2009

Everyone Tries to Avoid Consequences

It's good to see that at least someone's focusing on the real issues in this AIG fiasco.

Apparently, with the overwhelming evidence coming to light it was getting harder for Senator Dodd to keep up the charade. It's natural to try to avoid consequences when we make poor decisions. But, people of Connecticut... are you comfortable with your senator creating this massive problem then lieing about it right up to the point that someone uncovers enough evidence that he's compelled to tell the truth? Is it reasonable to expect a bit more from your public servant? Isn't he up for re-election soon?

This just in:

[Senator Chris] Dodd [Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee] just admitted on CNN that he inserted a loophole in the stimulus legislation that allowed million-dollar bonuses to insurance giant AIG to go forward – after previously denying any involvement in writing the controversial provision.

“We wrote the language in the bill, the deal with bonuses, golden parachutes, excessive executive compensation that was adopted unanimously by the United States Senate in the stimulus bill,” Dodd told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer this afternoon.

Dodd had previously said that he played no role in writing the controversial language, and was not a part of the conference committee that inserted the language in the bill. As late as today, Dodd’s spokeswoman denied the senator’s involvement.

1 comment:

~joanne said...

It's hard to keep up with the lies.....