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October 24, 2009

I am not insane. This guy is!

After my little walk to San Francisco a couple people told me that I was 'insane' or 'crazy'. I can understand that comment to a certain extent. However, I just thought of it as a bit of a challenge.

One of my colleagues at work is an avid runner and thought the walk was hilarious. The day after hearing about it she brought me the book 50 50 by Dean Karnazes to read. I don't know if she was thinking it might inspire me - or what. So, I read it during my lunch walks this week.

Well, I immediately discovered something wonderful. I am not insane. Dean Karnazes is insane.

In the very first chapter Dean is in the process of embarking on a family vacation and is reflecting on past such trips. He says 'Sometimes I would leave home on foot before the family and they'd pick me up along the roadside a few hours later. .. Once in awhile I would run all night and meet them in the morning'.

That, my friends in an insane person.

The book itself is about Dean's efforts in Fall 2006 to run 50 marathons on 50 consecutive days in all 50 states. It definitely was an impressive fitness display if ever there was one. On the face of it you might think that was the insane part of the book.

As it turns out - as I finished reading the book during my lunchtime walk on Thursday I found the truly insane part in the last few pages. Immediately upon getting back to the building I went to Dora's (my colleague's) office and asked 'did you read the last 6 pages of the book?'.

'No.' she said. 'It was getting kind of repetitive after the first 20 or 30 marathons - so I just kind of abandoned it.' she admitted.

I just started laughing.

'Holy cow, Dora! You biffed in a huge way if you didn't read the end. Take the book back and check them out' I said.

She then asked me to simply tell her what the last few pages said and so I did. I'll share them with you as well.

You see, the last marathon Dean ran was the New York City Marathon. Having completed the marathon he did a number of media interviews (The Today Show, David Letterman, Conan, etc.) the next day. As the day was coming to an end he was alone - for the first time in the last 50 days. His wife and children had returned to the San Francisco area; the kids were still young and in school. His support team for the last 50 days had departed and returned to their families as well. He was alone and didn't know exactly what he would do next. So, the day after running 50 marathons he went for a run to clear his head. He ran through Central Park in NY City to the starting location of the NY City Marathon.. and then proceeded to retrace his steps.

Yep, he ran another marathon the day after finishing 50 in 50 days.

That's not the insane part.

You see, he still couldn't sleep after doing so (Monday night). He had a sense of uneasiness. What would he do next? He was confused.

So - as he had mentioned earlier in the book - he took his own advice. Sometimes he thinks better when he's out running. He checked out of his hotel on Tuesday morning pushing a little three-wheeled baby stroller with a couple extra clothes items, some food and some essentials (cell phone, etc).

And he went running.

.... a page or two further in the book ... it states: '30 days later he crossed the Mississippi River and ran into Missouri'!

Dean Karnazes - after finishing 50 marathons in 50 days - ran another marathon on Monday - then ran another 1300+ miles (roughly 50 more marathons) in 30 days - averaging approximately 45 miles a day!

Yes, in the last few pages of the book - Dean ran another 51 marathons before coming to an emotional point where he had 'closure' and decided to fly home to his family.

People - I submit Dean Karnazes as the insane one. As it turns out - one walk of 44 miles is completely normal by comparison.

I rest my case.


~joanne said...

Nope....you are still insane & crazy! He's just MEGA CRAZY!!

Joel said...

You were right; insane.

Explorer Girl said...

Just to clarify- I thought your walk was hilarious, but in a "performance art" sort of way, if that makes any sense. And, I was, and still am, totally impressed. SF One Day, 2010, look out.