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October 8, 2009

Ode to the Engineer

As I was reflecting last night on Carissa's ultrasound pictures I was reminded how incredible a world God has designed and put into motion. How great is God to figure out how to make a baby. What an engineer!

Now, I know the word 'engineer' conjures up all sorts of mental images. Pocket protectors. Greasy hair. Glasses with tape in the middle. Social misfits. The list of stereotypes goes on and on. But, for this one brief moment - when you look at that ultrasound image.. I hope you see a bit of the awe that is the engineer.

Engineering is as simple as 1-2-3: 'Identify (a problem/issue) - Imagine - Do'.

Pregnant wife - rubbing her hands slowly, lovingly over her belly: "wow, I wonder what our little Tater Tot looks like. wouldn't it be so fantastic if there was a way to see the baby inside me!"

Engineer husband (wheels turning): "we can do that!"

New car owner in northern Michigan - waiting for a ferry to the lower peninsula: "wouldn't it be great if we could make some humongous bridge and just drive our car to the other side".

Engineer friend: "we can do that!"

New President of the United States.. wanting to show off to the world: "wouldn't the whole world be amazed by us if we could have a man walk on the moon?"

Scientific Advisor to the President (an engineer): "we can do that!"

Normal teenager: "this drive is sooooo boring! i wish I had a way to play my own records in the car so I could just tune you two out!"

Steve Jobs, her father: "we can do that!"

Men sitting in a basement watching an important football game - when a controversial play occurs: "jeez. don't you wish we could make the TV like 3 times bigger, higher resolution, and then be able to do slow motion ourselves at the touch of a button.. so we could see exactly what happened?"

Dudes from Panasonic, NBC and Tivo that are watching: "oh dudes.. we can do that!"

The ultimate ode to engineers: "They can do it!"


~joanne said...

Wife: Sure would be nice if I didn't have to wash all these dishes!

Engineer: We can do that!

God, the Ultimate Engineer

Hannah said...


Joel said...

And thus a new level of disaster was unleashed upon the world: Hannah on coffee caffeine.

~joanne said...

Who did this...we have to get to the bottom of this!

Joel said...

And the crash afterwards is going to be about as exciting as LCROSS.