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October 8, 2009

Thursday Tweets

Okay people... you know what to do.

Please feel free to tweet away - and tell us a little about your day today!

Tod: Very excited about the Office wedding tonight!

Tod: Can't wait to join Jon and Rachel for dinner tomorrow night at their place. We're making thin crust pizza!


Joel said...

Jim and Pam will finally become Jam tonight! Finally, I can exhale the breath I have been holding for three years.

Joel said...

I actually had an interesting and lively Desk shift today. I didn't even have time to fully browse Engadget.com...amazing!

Joel said...

my knife has officially shipped and is en route from the UK! Pictures can be admired here: http://www.jamesnobleknives.com/Knives/customised_knives/c2/p77.aspx. It's the BIG one with the striped handle made out of midnight blue 10,000 year old mammoth tooth. Sha boo-ya!