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December 6, 2009

Awesome Twosome

Hannah and Maggie did an amazing job today. They completed a full marathon plus another 10 miles for a total distance of 36 miles in one day! What a performance!

After church we caught up with the girls as the walked down historic El Camino Real through the town of Redwood city. We had a chance to get them some lunch at Subway. It was a good time for them to get off their (aching) feet and tell us a little about the walk so far. They we cracking us up.

Check out Hannah as she spotted us in the Jeep coming to visit. (Charla moment?)

Here they are scarfing some food down at Subway. Delish.

Here's mom and daughter. So sweet!

Then, it was back to the road. Here's a picture of them in action during their adventure. BTW.. this is one of the rare parts of El Camino Real that don't have proper side walks. This is not what the entire roadway looked like during the walk.

As they got to Mountain View - about 35 miles into their adventure - Hannah had a Monk moment. She realized that she would be most happy if they ended with a mileage divisible by 5. So! They were finished! Sweet.

We are all so proud of the two of them. This was an amazing mental as well as physical challenge. They are both nursing very sore legs and feet but have been in great spirits all evening. What an accomplishment!

PS.. I was thinking about publishing a picture of Hannah's blistered foot.. but I am trying to be a good example to Joanne ;)