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December 13, 2009

Oh, Christmas Tree

Between visiting Hannah and Maggie for lunch during 'the walk' and trying to kill myself in the garage - Julie and I picked up this year's Christmas tree.

Our friends, the Logans, go out each year and cut down a tree. The Buckners do the same thing - as well as other of our friends. Here's Julie out in the forest looking for our tree.

Oops. Okay - truth time. We got our tree at Costco.

Joel, at least you'd be pleased to hear that the trees come from the great state of Oregon. Over the years we've taken the kids with us and there is inevitably a 'discussion' about who gets to pick the tree and just what tree we are going to get. When you get a tree at Costco you don't have to worry about those petty concerns.

It turns out you go to the back of a truck where the trees are all tied up. Then, you tell the guy how tall of a tree you want (8') and he grabs one for you.

You do have the option to open the tree up and take a look; but this isn't like a tree lot where you go and wander through the aisles.

As it turns out - the tree was full and looks great in the house. And, Hannah - it's REAL!

As I type this Julie is 'putzing' as she decorates the tree. It's going to be beautiful!


~joanne said...

Okay, really...this is just pathetic!

The Hendersons said...


Joel said...

Oregon thanks you for your patronage. Just out of curiosity, how much is an Oregon tree in California? Here their all $15.

And Aunt Joanne, don't be a hater. It's just the Team Henderson way.

The Hendersons said...

$42!!! perhaps next year we'll drive up and cut it with you folks and drive it back. would cost about the same :)

Joel said...

I could probably mail one to you for cheaper.

The Hendersons said...

now you tell us :) next year!

The Hendersons said...

christmas tree is looking good! we have it inside and decorated at this point. disappointing to see the Michigan ornament hanging down at floor level :(

can i modify my Christmas list and ask for a Michigan victory or two next year?