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December 16, 2009

Finals Tweets

Would love to hear what's up in your life.. as well as provide Hannah a place to tweet about finals ;) Go for it.

Tod: broke down and actually sought medical attention - yes, I got my knee and leg checked out. so far i've had x-rays taken - and the doctor will get them late today and tell me more tomorrow. i expect to be referred to an orthopedist. we'll see.

Tod: praying for Hannah and finals week. always a stressful, long week. but, then you get to come home!

Tod: shockingly - Team Henderson is pretty close to being finished with Christmas prep! the house is decorated (there's a baby Jesus area.. and a snow man area.. and a ...). Christmas music fills the air. it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Tod: t-minus 4 and counting!


~joanne said...

Thinking I might need to start wrapping presents!!

One down....I wrapped Joel's and sent out their package!

Hannah said...

well. where to even begin?!?

1. Micro was a fail, but what should I have expected from studying abroad 3 hours/week in Argentina??

2. I have a final in 20 minutes in marketing. Its humorous that I am blogging and not studying. Probably could have attended lecture...

3. Another tomorrow... went to review session yesterday - someone asked what "waiving a break" meant - at least I will score higher than her

4. Marketing Research on Saturday... what is that class even about???????

Got the Stryker Finance Interview!! Will be seeing them on Jan. 6th! Hoping they hire me before my grades come out : )

Here I gooooooooo

~joanne said...

Made Homemade Caramels...hope they set-up...If they do..I'm going to see if See's is hiring!

Janice said...

Wrapping??? I need to finish finding presents. Decorating??? Thank goodness the artificial tree in the corner came with lights!

~joanne said...

Don't say 'Artificial' around Steve...he's very sensitive!

Joel said...

Carissa is feeling mucho better, and we've got an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow. Little Tater may get an official pronoun soon!

Joel said...

I had two ads on Craigslist get flagged today: airsoft BBs and an airsoft gun. It's not like I'm trying to sell a REAL firearm, just something that automatically propels .12g 6mm plastic spherical projectiles at 320fps using all metal gears and an electric motor. Seriously, Salem; calm thyself.

Joel said...

I've been biffing all night trying to compliment Carissa's recovery:

First, I compared her MRSA face to Two Face from The Dark Knight in a vain attempt to give some context to the the phrase, "Your face is looking less swollen."

Second, after noticing she had put my soup in the microwave for me, I said, "Oh look, Carissa is feeling well enough to consider others. How nice."

Epic FAIL!

Joel said...


~joanne said...

Sounds like Steve's comment last night when he told me my butt was like a hippo....he's says that's not how he meant it....how can you take that differently??

MEGA Epic Fail!!

The Hendersons said...

okay joel - you are too funny! you're killing me.

you have to just throw a 'just kidding' in and all is well! hahaha

glad to hear Carissa is feeling better.

The Hendersons said...

i will say.. our fam seems to be an a fail-a-thon the last month or so!! at least we have a sense of humor about it!

steve said...

Wait.... I can explain... Joanne pushed me with her hip and I was going to tell to quit being a rhino but... It was with her hip so I changed my choice of animal to something, which at the time I though would fit better... Well that's my story.

Joel said...

Uncle Steve, there is no defense for epic biffs. Trust me.

Hannah said...

Um lets focus on the fact that I still have another final tomorrow.

julie said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I have two chins in the header picture!!

~joanne said...

Whatever Steve...

Joel said...

hey padre, any update on the x-rays you had taken last week?

Joel said...

I think I know one of the guys in the header picture. He's the second one over from mom, the young guy with the green jacket. I'm pretty sure he went to King's. Hilarious!