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August 27, 2010

Double D Does Me In

Well, it had to happen sooner or later.  The Double D finally got me.  I was preparing one of my Tod McMuffins when I mistook my thumb for an English Muffin.

Underneath all that bandaging are the two stitches required to sew my thumb back together.  I'd show you - but my name isn't Joanne - or Rachel.

I thought I could just bandage it together - but it simply wouldn't stop gushing; resulting in a quick trip to the emergency room.

At least I can now take a whole bunch of those thumbs up pictures my kids love ;)


julie said...

Cutco wins again.

The real tragedy is you didn't get any pain meds!

~joanne said...

WHAT only two stitches?? Can you still Jet Ski?

BTW...my kids are wearing helmets when you get here..every time the Henderson's come, one of my kids needs stitches!

Joel said...

The list of people not mauled by Cutco keeps getting shorter and shorter.

The Hendersons said...

joanne, yes! i can still jetski! and i'm ignoring the comment about the helmets.

joel.. r u next? hope not!

Hannah said...

How come I worked with those knives all summer and not once suffered a fatality??

coincidence... I think NOT!

And this time Joanne, I will try to have rock hard legs so no one bounces off them into a table :(

The Hendersons said...

i had a horrible thought in the shower this morning. what if my stitches impact golfing???? oh nooooooooo!!!

Joel said...

Hannah, I'm pretty sure fatality is a bit extreme.