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August 26, 2010

Introducing Jack Bauer

How long does a pet have to live at your house before you realize they're part of the family?

Julie brought Jack home a few months ago 'to see if he would be a good dog for Joel'.   When that idea fell through Jack just sort of kept hanging around.

He's still here.

I guess he's part of the family because we don't even pretend anymore that he is leaving.

So - welcome Jack Bauer.  That's right.. if he wanted you dead - you'd be dead already!


Janice said...

What a cutie, I love him.

Becky Harford said...

He's so cute! What does Indy think of him?

julie said...

Indy loves Jack. They love to play keep away!

He is a great dog. His biggest problem is going for walks. Wants to act like a sled dog and pull the whole way.

The Hendersons said...

actually, his biggest problem is that he tries to eat Indy occasionally.