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August 29, 2010

Feeding Julie's Inner Mexican

Julie has developed a real love for Mexican food over the last few months.  She's loves burritos and enchiladas.  It's been her obsession.

Recently I was reading Sunset magazine and saw an article entitled 'the hunt for the best burrito'.  It captured my attention because the author claimed to have found 5 northern and southern California 'must eat burritos'.  Atop the northern California list was the El Grullense Grill in Redwood City.  El Grullense is only 5 miles north of where we go to church; so it was a natural for lunch today.

For me, it's all about the meat; and the El Grullense has them all - including some I prefer to avoid.

Here's Julie and our friends Randy and Eileen ordering.

I ordered the soft tacos so I could check out of number of their meat offerings.  Randy did the same.  On his plate is Carne Asade (steak), Al Pastor (marinated pork) and Chorizo (Mexican sausage).  I also had a chicken taco.  Each was extremely well prepared and delicious.   The Al Pastor, my favorite, was every bit as good as I have ever experienced (think Chavez).  And Randy's Chorizo, which I've never tried - has instantly become one of my absolute favorites.  It was spicy and juicy.  Simply amazing.

Julie's been in enchilada mood lately; so that's what she ordered;  and she loved them!  That's quite a recommendation - given Julie's broad knowledge of local Mexican restaurants.  She did mention that El Grullense gets minor demerits for not having Mt. Dew (like Chevy's and Mondo Burrito).  However, the quality of the meal was top notch.

We all wholeheartedly agreed with the Sunset magazine author that this is one of the best Mexican restaurants around. And next time, perhaps Julie will get a burrito!

Okay.. that leaves 4 more places in northern California we gotta visit.  Stay tuned!


The Hendersons said...

any 'gotta eat at' mexican restaurants in Michigan?

~joanne said...

We like Trini's in Sparta...it might not make Sunset's top ten list??

Becky Harford said...

I'm still waiting for you two to come to Florida. Tod, we've been here 11 years (today to be exact) and you still haven't come to visit us. As for the Mexican Restaurant... Uncle Julio's in Boca Raton. Outstanding! Best Queso anywhere and the Enchilada's are the best. Come visit and find out.

Rachel said...

Did anyone have a burrito??

Tod Henderson said...

Hahaha. Yes. Eileen had one. We all took a bite. It was very good!

Tod Henderson said...

Becky! Ouch! :(. We did come play at Disney one year!

Becky Harford said...

Tod, that was 1998. Our girls were 6. Come on now. They are 21. Maybe time for another trip? 15 years is a long time between visits.

The Hendersons said...

point becky ;)