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August 4, 2010


So - anyone got any good suggestions for interesting local restaurants?  I'm all ears.  Here's a couple I can think of...

Joel Should Go Here  (Rok)
Julie and I double dated with Tim and Barbara at a restaurant recently.  I immediately thought that Joel would love the place.  It's on Murphy Street in Sunnyvale and features cooking on 700 degree hot rocks and flaming fondue pots.  I can't actually recall the name (help!!).. but the food was great and it was a lot of fun.  You essentially order a steak and they bring it to you on a hot stone.  You slice it into pieces that you then cook to the desired doneness.  It's a great model - I bet few meals get sent back that way.  Hard to mess up heating up a rock. And dippling all sorts of stuff in chocolate for dessert can't be wrong!  I would rate this as expensive.. but good.

Cooking Papa
This is a new (under new management) Chinese restaurant on Homestead Avenue by Kiely Blvd.  It intrigues me because the place is full out PACKED every time I walk by it.  Even at 9pm it is jammed with people.  Either the food is free ... or it's good.  Gotta try it. 


Karen said...

I think that place on Murphy Street is called Rok or Rock or something. I really want to go there!

The Hendersons said...

way to go Karen! it's called Rok!