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August 11, 2010

It Has Begun!

Congratulations to Tim and Barbara on their newest adventure; redecorating.  I don't know if this is some test that their pre-marriage counselor cooked up (pun intended) - but just months before they are to be married (next March!) they are undertaking their first home renovation;  the kitchen.

Here's a picture from a few days ago.  Jon + sledge = progress!   As of last night it's now stripped to the studs - and there's a dumpster in the street that is getting fuller and fuller. 

It's clear when people are in the midst of such an adventure.  Conversations start to focus on shopping trips and decorating decisions.  Garages fill with parts and more parts (the cabinets are here!).  You start discussing propane supplies - an essential for cooking for the next couple months.  And then there's the guessing.  Will it be finished by the end of September?  Halloween?  Thanksgiving?

And anxiety levels start to rise.  Funny story.  We're on a walk with Tim last night and he tells us that he awoke the previous night in a state of heighted anxiety and found it difficult to get back to sleep.  He said the realization that this is just the beginning,  meaning he will likely have to do the whole house,  finally hit him square between the eyes. 

Yep.  But we'll help you through it!  There's no stopping now!


Karen said...

I'm betting by Christmas! But that includes the floor in the dining room and repainting.

Joel said...

JT = man.

The Hendersons said...

shall we start a pool? see who can guess the finish date the closest?

The Hendersons said...

btw.. karen, your dad is removing the dining room floor. it started tonight ;)

Joel said...

In the words of Jeremy Clarkson, "How hard could it be?"

The Hendersons said...

to remove the floor? well, you have to scrape all those wood blocks that are glued to the linoleum underneath up. then, you have to scrape the linoleum up that is glued to the subfloor.it's a little harder than it looks if you don't use explosives ;)

Joel said...

Some say his farts have been known to cause air-traffic delays, and that one of his big toes is in fact made out of frozen carbonite. All we know is, his name is JT.