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August 15, 2010

Failing Up

As my family members will tell you - I agonize over spending money; especially on myself.  And it's even harder when I screw up and loose something and have to replace it.

I've had to do that twice now this year (please, Lord, can it stop?).  But, I have to say - I have definitely failed up.  That's my term for screwing up, yet ending up in a better situation (although poorer in this case).   Of course, these days it's hard to fail down with technology continuing to improve at a rapid pace.  However, I just replaced my lost camera - and am so excited.

I ended up purchasing a Canon T2i with a 18-135mm lens.  Sweet.  It's a fantastic camera and a pretty good, mid-level lens.  I decided on one lens with good wide angle (18mm) and decent zoom.. over two lens solutions - because it's so much nicer to just grab and go and not be changing lenses (something I learned with the Olympus).  I do plan to get a fixed 50mm lens down the road for indoor or low light shooting.  I've played with one and had two different people highly recommend it (thanks Jon and Jeremy). 

For now, though, I just wish the battery would hurry up and finish charging so I can start to play!

PS.. shocker alert... but I even decided to buy locally and pay CA sales tithe.  I know, I know, I know.


~joanne said...

Can you take Tyler's Senior pictures while you are here?

Steve says he is going to with his Minolta x700...1986 version..I asked him if he has to put a black cloth over his head??

The Hendersons said...

and... his answer??? hahaha

sure. we'll do a photo shoot! i'm sure he can't wait!

julie said...

It will have to be a jumping shot!

Vicki said...

I agree a jumping shot! I think those are the most fun to see! Joanne do you still have the trampoline?

Tod Henderson said...

perhaps we could do a mix between land-based and aerial shots ;)

Vicky said...

Can't wait to get to see you...and your new camera. Love following your through your blog....keep up the great work.
