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January 19, 2009


January is traditionally a month in which major media organizations within the USA and abroad celebrate achievements from the previous year. The Team Henderson blog is pleased to join the chorus by announcing its excellence in blogging awards.

Welcome to the Team HEnderson 2008 BLOG Greatest Items Ever Seen - or simply, THE 2008 BLOGGIES! 2008 was an outstanding year and the competition was fierce. However, voting was simplified by our lead writer making unencumbered, unilateral decisions in each category ;)

Congratulations to all our winners! And now, without further ado, on to the awards!


Buckner’s Buzz http://bucknersbuzz.blogspot.com/
The inspiration for the Team Henderson blog – this blog epitomizes excellent in blogging. Written and (hardly ever) edited by Joanne Buckner – this blog presents a wide ranging array of subjects – featuring, in recurring roles, her three amazing children, husband, and dog Jaci.

August 28: The Proposal
by Joel Henderson and Carissa Schutter (not yet Henderson)
This story in dual voices exemplifies the art of encapsulating a moment in time using language. Critics heralded the piece as an instant classic.

Nov 23: Sweet Victory!
Hannah Henderson and her friend Emily are captured at the moment of Big Game victory. This image is particularly effective when considering the photographer was also the subject. This picture – tastefully cropped by the editor - evokes the excitement and exhilaration only possible by dominating Stanford!


Dec 16: Oh No.. Jo.. b’fo Ho Ho Ho.. it’s Snow!
"A rhyming tour-de-force" chimes Times magazine! "I love it like a fat kid loves cake" says 50-cent!

June 6: Elsie: Harley Babe
In this entry – legendary figure - (then) 82 year old Elsie Ness - explores her physical, emotion and sensual connection to the Hog. Not since Jack Nicholson bared his backside in the movie Something's Gotta Give have we seen a more honest portrayal of octogenarian romance. Yet, this selection reigns as one of our most controversial BLOGGIES given the growing rank of pundits that debate its status as fiction.

April 22: It’s a (Very) Small World
This epic, chronicalling the early Joel and Carissa days, spans 3 generations and thousands of miles to clearly present the evidence of God's unseen hand in the events of man.

Feb 20: Cow Palace Dog Show
A touching story by Julie, mirroring human and canine friendship forged in the journey of life.

June 8: Harley Babe in Training – Janice Griffioen.
This story – eventually banned from the blog by our executive editor, Julie – highlighted the life of Janice Griffioen as she took her first baby steps in becoming a full-fledged Harley babe. Revered by early reviewers as a triumph in bad taste.. this entry, alas, was removed before it could find widespread acceptance and acclaim.


April 22: It’s a (Very) Small World
An 8 Act story spanning many locations and thousands of miles – this blog entry recounts the story of inbreeding in small towns.

December 2: Holland 2
If only the photographer could have captured this image in spring! Still, the beautiful colors and contrasts make this our editor’s selection for 2008!

Dec 27: Jumping Pictures and More
This highly competitive genre was dominated this year by one picture. Congratulations to the winners.

June 11: Nephew’s Rule
Unknown newcomer Martha comes out of nowhere to grasp victory from perennial winner Elsie in this beautiful portrait of beloved neighbors. Special thanks to Lurinda Shrauger for the use of her Nikon to capture this award winner.

Dec 24: This Really Happened!
In a staggering upset– Joel Henderson is shut out of this category for the first time ever! Yes, this picture of Rachel and Hannah, siblings, tops 2008! Congrats.

June 10: Oh What Fun it is to Ride…
A rare combination of athletic prowess and emotional joy combine to bring us this best picture spanning generations. This was truly one of blog managements all time 2008 favorites! Enjoy!

Our only tie - this award is shared between..
June 6: Elsie: Harley Babe
John Griffioen is the subject of the distinguished picture of the year award winner. The simplicity of the picture, which captures the subject in his element is both technically pleasing and esthetically satisfying. A 2008 best of!

Oct 5: The Great Glass Pumpkin Patch
Rachel Massey highlights this artistic rendering of life through the pumpkin colored looking glass - a triumph of color, composition and craftsmanship!


July 14: HJ-112 Rest in Peace
This poignant, insightful, commentary on the loss of a fallen comrade received 15 comments; more than any other 2008 blog entry. Demonstrating that blog readers will rally support to the fallen – this award jointly goes to all who made this entry the winner.

Dec 23: Admissions of a Fiction Writer
Succinct, flattering, evocative! That’s what it takes to win in this category – as Joel Henderson did in 2008!
His comment:
"Another golden nugget coated in chocolate sarcasm! Ummmmmm, tastes good!"

April 15: Get a Job
Being long on big words, flattering, and intellectually stimulating are the keys to success in this category. This entry represents an astounding degree of sophistication and flair; as Joel quite easily distanced himself from the crowd with this award winning effort!
His comment:
You're just a regular Flannery O'Connor aren't you :D Nicely done. The pictures add an appropriate amount of verisimilitude to keep people wondering. The ending is particularly well-crafted, bringing the story back full-circle with a ring-composition and using indirect imagery to close the denouement, allowing the readers' own experiences of the "calm after the storm" to inform their unique visuals of mom asleep on the couch. Again, nicely done.

April 15: Get a Job
Demonstrating a dogged determination and willingness to dig into the back story surrounding a comment in order to respond with unique and appealing prose, this category highlights the quick mind, internet search, and cut and paste skills of our management staff. Touche!
Our comment:
Joel.. as most of our readers will know.. Flannery O'Connor is really Mary Flannery O'Connor. When O'Connor was five she taught a chicken to walk backwards, and it was this that led to her first experience of being a celebrity.

Elsie Ness – 83 and loving being on the ‘bloggin’.
This multiple 2008 THE BLOGGIES nominee and award winner exemplifies what it means to be alive and thrive at 83. We are proud to award this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award to Elsie Ness!


Anonymous said...

Whooooo GO BUCKNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

~joanne said...

How long did this take you...you blog master?? Did you call in sick from work, to work on your Bloggie Awards?

My fav....Best Blog Title...that's a classic in my book. More than the title, I loved the comments!!

The Hendersons said...

thanks for your comments joanne. actually, i fleshed it out over the last few days using other tools (e.g., Microsoft Word). this afternoon, I cut and pasted it into the blog and added the pictures which is relatively quick.

oh! and BTW.. congratulations on your victory in the Foreign Blog category! It was well deserved!

Joel said...

Good work, padre, though there is a winner I'd like to dispute. I think my "leave the rhyming to the regulars" comment should have won for best comeback, and possibly for most high-brow. And unless Jon and Rachel have eloped in the last week, I believe Rachel's last name is still Massey. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like it's an important detail, that being her legal last name and all (for now).

Now it's on for 2009!

The Hendersons said...

joel - 1st off major kudos for your multiple nominations and victories! your efforts in 2008 were outstanding and you already are a formidable force to reckoned with in 2009 (jumping pictures, sibling photos, etc.). i expect great things from you.

now, as far as your comments.. the competition committee accepts your logan challenge and has made the appropriate manuscript edits. as for your challenge to our winning selections.. we refer you to rule par 3 subparagraph ii.. which clearly states "all challenges to unanimous committee awards should be accompanied by a cash bribe of sufficient size to recompense the committee for the emotional overhead associated with said challenge". absent the required payola.. we have no alternative but to stand by our selections.

we here at the Team Henderson blog thank you for your continued participation and wish you a rewarding and well documented 2009!

Joel said...

Who is on this Team Henderson competition committee, anyway? French Olympic judges? Lame.

Anonymous said...

I love being a part of your blog. My family is honored to be nominated in so many catagories. I love reading your blog entries and the comments are great. Keep up the great words in 2009.

The Hendersons said...

janice.. YOU keep up the good work in 2009. congrats on your victories and best wishes for 2009. thanks for being a part of our life!

Joel said...

Need someone be reminded that without the detailed editorial scrutiny of another certain someone (who shall remain nameless) this blog would be laden with repetitive syntax and incoherent rhyming? Don't be dissing the dude that does your dirty work. I think this person deserves some recognition, though I'm sure that isn't why they do what they do.

The Hendersons said...

Hmmm... The committee gives your 'French Olympic judges' a technical merit score of 9.7... but the 'lame' brings your artistic score down .. so your overall comment score is a 7.1!

In the immortal words of GW.. 'not gonna do it'.. if that's all you got for 2009.

Our recommendation.. in the words of Kirsten Dunst and the rest of the cheerleaders... Bring It On!

julie said...

You are killing me! I think your true calling in life is writing.

I think best actress should go to Jasmine as the dying Marley.

The Hendersons said...

Joel! You are correct my son, friend and brother in Christ. You do need some recognition.

So, borrowing from the book of WOWOO (or words of the Wizard of Oz) let it be known that 'by the virtue of the authority vested in me by the Universitartus Committiartum E Pluribus Unum, I hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of ThD.'

to which the scarecrow responded "what?"

and the WOO rejoined: "that's Doctor of Thinkology!"

Congratulations Joel! You are appreciated and hereby recognized for your meritorious efforts on behalf of Team Henderson!

The Hendersons said...

jules.. your nomination is so noted for 2009. she will be hard to beat. she'll definitely get the posthumous vote!

The Hendersons said...

joel - btw.. by virtue of that last comment.. you are definitely a front runner in our newest category for 2009: BEST COMMENT - WRITTEN IN THE 3rd PERSON

best of luck to the rest of you in catching this man!

Hannah said...

So i see father, you have officially lost all other hobbies and focused on Blogging.... and i would just like to say that of course Rachel and I took siblings!!!!! I would also like to take 'favorite child' award... and in the spirit of a new blogging year.. I, Hannah Henderson, have made an account to begin competing against Joel in the comment category of the Bloggies! BRING IT ON BRO...

The Hendersons said...

ohhhh myyyy blog readers... we've just heard from none other than Hannah, 5-feet-of-fury, Montana, Timberlake and it sounds like she's ready to rumble!

i would just remind you, beautiful, that you have some stiff competition. for instance - did you see some of the amazing pictures of Joel and Carissa at the wedding? hmm?? those are VERY COMPETITIVE 'sibling picture of the year entries'! you and rachel better watch out or you could BOTH be missing come the 2009 BLOGGIES. ouch!

and.. since I had to throw down with your brother regarding some official committee minutia... here's one for you.. it appears that section paragraph b clearly states:

"as each sibling
i. emerges from the blog-o-bump (the womb) or
ii. shall marry into the blog-o-fam or
iii. shall from time to time be adopted (either legally or emotionally) into the blog-o-fam

they shall be officially accorded equal and undiluted rights as favorites of the blog."

therefore, the committee regrets to inform you that there will be no individual favorite child category now or in the future.

however, they take this time to offer you welcome and best wishes in the upcoming year.

Joel said...

Hannah, you're talking to the guy that got the word blogment published on UrbanDictionary.com, the guy who once wrote a comment longer than the original post, the guy with the English major and cush library job that enables him to comment whenever, wherever. You're talking to the guy with literary skills coursing through his veins, who eats, sleeps, and breathes language theory, the guy who know the difference between assonance and consonance and owns a Shakespeare book the size of your head. If you want to talk tough, go ahead, but you better bring your A-game to back it up. Because I will. Wit isn't about talking loud; it's about talking well. My name is Joel Henderson, and I am President of the United States of America.

The Hendersons said...

oh my gosh Joel! i laughed out loud and just about wet myself. you are too funny!

annette bening is rushing back to the white house right now you stud!

julie said...

Do any of you have jobs or is it just me!!

steve said...

I am working Julie!

(Actually just wanted to post so I can say I was a part of "MOST COMMENTS – INDIVIDUAL BLOG ENTRY" of '09)

julie said...

I am hurt none of my blogs were nominated for anything. Maybe Best Guest Blogger in Her Own Home category.

The Hendersons said...

jules - check more closely. you won one! love you!

Hannah said...

Joel – I have seen that you have chosen to talk the talk and failed to actually walk the walk. Yes, you are clearly suffering from neologasm, however, that does not instill fear or worry in me. You may have written a long comment, but can you write an entry? Can you choose a template? Can you upload and drag photos into perfection? No – because I am that girl. I am the girl who took 3 foreign languages because she never shied from a challenge. The girl who breathes rhetoric and eats enough vocabulary, it often causes diarrhea of the mouth. My veins are fire. The synapses in my brain beg me think slower. My stamina is measured in miles, while yours can only be in Ångströms. And you may have the cush job in a library, but the head start mother and father gave you will soon be obsolete as my power and genius swiftly wipe you out. As Sweet Tart withstood the heat, I too am prepared to wage war. And while you are busy knowing the difference between assonance and consonance, I am using them. Shakespeare’s book may be the size of my head, but can you read it? So Joel, or should I say Chocolate Chip, lets do the comment tango. I only have A-game. Life is about walking, not talking – and I can do that better on my hands than you on your feet. So go ahead, be the President of the United States of America. My name is Jack Bauer. I am a juggernaut. And as I said one day saving this world from Presidents like you: “I have killed two people since midnight, I haven't slept in over 24 hours. So maybe... maybe you should be a little more afraid of me than you are right now.”

Joel said...

A valiant effort, but as Dr. Rose says, "Close is only good in horse shoes, hand grenades and nuclear war." Next time try proof-reading what you write and checking your facts, then get back to me. Cause for the record, I was the original Team Henderson blogger. I pwned the blogging world years ago. I am Chuck Norris; Jack Bauer wears my pajamas.

The Hendersons said...

okay... a couple quick points for the two henderson-sibs-on-fire.

1st.. please put some sort of warning.. like 'please set your coffee down before you read this' - or 'spit alert!' or something to let me know I should not be trying to read your comments and drink at the same time. i almost ruined my keyboard.

2nd.. please keep it civil.. i am all for some good 'ol natured fun.. but we speak the truth in love here.. not saying anyone violated that rule.. but just know i'm watching you...

okay.. return to your efforts.

team henderson blog mgmt

The Hendersons said...

steve - the committee would like to inform you that 'compandering', or pandering in the form of commenting that you are commenting for the benefit of winning commenting competitions... is outside the spirit of competition of this blog. therefore, you are officially sanctioned. nothing actually happens.. but the committee was just reviewing some of the rules lately and stumbled upon this one. they like the idea of being able to sanction people so you were the most likely target. bums. so, consider yourself slapped around.

next, the committee would like to remind the blog-o-peeps that under its charter it has the unfettered ability to create new competition categories where its finds meritorious efforts.

as such, and as a result of recent comments, it is considering adding the following categories to the 2009 slate. the committee retains the rights to make a final decision on this decision anytime before the 2009 awards ceremony:



BEST COMMENT - INCLUDING NEOLOGASM - so start your neologasmic engines!

That is all.

~joanne said...

Hey...quite using words I have too 'Google'

Anonymous said...

great article. I would love to follow you on twitter.

The Hendersons said...

well, anonymous. thanks much and good luck with that.