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January 24, 2009

Little Miss Mother Lode 1989

Okay blog-o-peeps.. it's been awhile since our last cash reward competition.

I noticed that we just crowned a new Miss America. And it got me thinking about another famous pageant winner. Plus, I've got $5 just burning a hole in my pocket. So, welcome to our first Cash Quiz of 2009!

Here's the deal. I'll send $5 to the first person that can identify the winner of the prestigious Little Miss Mother Load competition in 1989. Best of luck to all!

P.S. Double prize money if the winner can identify the girl to the left of the winner.. the one that looks pretty hacked off at the results!


Hannah said...


julie said...

Sorry in 1989 Aunt Janice would have been 24 years old.

Anonymous said...

Hannah you are so sweet. Julie--I am not talking to you after telling how old I am!!!

~joanne said...

I'm guessing Rachel.....

~joanne said...

....and I'm guessing her sister, as the hacked off loser?!

The Hendersons said...

joanne! you are CORRECT! congrats! the money is on the way!

i actually don't know who the upset young lady is.

yes, rachel massey was Miss Mother Lode 1989! what a cutie!