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January 13, 2009

Friends and Family

During Joel and Carissa’s wedding reception I had the distinct honor of toasting the bride and groom.

I didn’t have a prepared speech, or toast, in the sense that I planned or wrote out and memorized what I was going to say. However, I had been praying and asking God to provide me some insights from my life that perhaps I could pass along to the newlyweds and their guests. During that process of praying, listening and reflecting the two words that kept coming to mind were ‘friends’ and ‘family’.

Julie will be the first person to tell you that I simply can not remember conversations – or for that matter what I say - verbatim (word by word). So, no attempt will be made to reproduce, exactly, my words. But, I would like to attempt to capture the essence of my comments that night because they reflect my heart’s truest feelings for all of you that read this blog – my friends and family – as much as they do for Joel and Carissa as they start their new life together.

It went something (I think) like this:

As I look around this evening I see a mystery of God at work – forming this community of friends and family to bless and celebrate Joel and Carissa’s marriage. I refer to it as a mystery – not only because of the mystery that God can take two parts people and one part Holy Spirit and make a new family. But, because in my life the distinction between family and friends is a mysterious blur. I have been exceedingly blessed with friends in my lifetime. Blessed to the point that many of you I once thought of as my close friends I now reckon, in the privacy of my own thoughts, my closest family. And many of you that started out or have over the years joined my family, I now have the distinct pleasure of counting among my closest friends. Tonight, as a result of this wedding – we are adding new family members whom I wholeheartedly look forward to becoming close friends. And to you, Joel and Carissa, I am so pleased, as I look at you, to see two people that started as friends. I am so very happy for both of you that your relationship blossomed and grew into a great friendship and now into a brand new family. I think the path through friendship to family is a most precious gift. Treasure it! Here’s to God from whom all blessings flow – especially the blessings of great friends and family. And here's to the bride and groom!

P.S. Hey, I never noticed this until I posted this blog entry and the pictures.. but how cool is the Henderson family crest that is behind Joel and Carissa! I was so mesmerized by the bride and groom I didn't even notice it at the wedding! Sweeet!

P.S.S. Thanks to Joanne whose eagle eyes noticed the note next to the cake. It reads: "Cake Topper used by Wes and Lily Hartley January 12, 1947, Salem, Oregon" Wes and Lily are Carissa's maternal grandparents.


~joanne said...

Who made the crest? and in clicking on it..I noticed a note by the cake...did they use her parents cake topper?? What does it say...

The Hendersons said...

great eyes joanne! i just blew up the picture on my Mac and i think it reads "Cake Topper used by Wes and Lily Hartley January 12, 1947, Salem, Oregon". Wes and Lily are Joan's mom and dad or Carissa's maternal grandparents! And, they are a lot of fun. We met them at the rehearsal (your dad and Linda sat with them) and they were really nice! Wes is really funny and Lily is so sweet.

Thanks for pointing that note out. I saw it but there were other notes on the reception table (encouraging people to ring some bells to induce the bride and groom to kiss).. so I didn't investigate further until your comment!

Vicki said...

I noticed the crest right away. It was really cool. Never seen one before and what a great keepsake for the home.