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January 9, 2009


Don't know if we mentioned it but Joel and Carissa got married a week ago!

I'd love to share some of the experience with you. One of the interesting aspects of the wedding day was that the couple decided to do a lot of their picture taking before the ceremony. This was an excellent choice and allowed for more time to get some great shots.

The photographer the kids chose was amazing. I say that because my sister, Lurinda, along with several in the wedding party had our cameras with us and out and were taking pictures side by side with him. Yet, he never complained and even really seemed to enjoy the company. He and his assistant were totally awesome. One life lesson observed in this situation is that a good attitude makes a world of difference!

The shoot was outside (freezing!!) - but the time of day (late afternoon) was great. The light was wonderful. With all the cameras around we got tons of great shots - here's a few for you!

The shoot started with pictures of the groom! Rightly so! Does this look like a happy man or what?

Next were the groomsmen and the fathers.

The groomsmen were, from left to right, Colin - Joel's most recent roommate (before Carissa!), Jon Logan - whom you should all be familiar with and a lifelong friend of Joel's and Zac - Joel's roommate at Willamette and a great influence and friend.

It is fun to spend time with some of Joel's friends. It reinforces in me a knowledge that my son makes great choices in people. It is a blessing in life to be surrounded by great friends. And Joel was richly blessed in groomsmen on his big day!

Oh.. and the old guys were Dan (Carissa's dad) and me. Dan is an incredible guy - with a big heart and a great sense of humor. It has been a complete pleasure getting to know Dan over the last few months and getting to spend some more time with him last week. I definitely am excited to know that he is now a man that Joel can rely on in life for support, encouragement and wisdom.

These next three pictures were some of the 'fun' pictures we took. The first one is a picture of the groomsmen with their 'gift' from Joel. Of course it was a Kershaw knife. Could it be anything different? I have to admit that I called that one from the beginning. In fact, when he called to tell me that was his idea I just had to beg for one myself (just didn't want you to think that Joel was so lame he picked me as a groomsman!). Other than Carissa, herself, and all the wonderful memories.. I just had to have a knife to remember the day! The second picture is the essential 'jumping picture'. You probably called that one from a mile away! The final picture is of the groomsmen praising Joel for letting them be in his wedding! Haha.

More later...


~joanne said...

Nice shots...you are making me sad I missed all the fun!!

I'm feeling bad for Dan...and his little Swiss Army!

The Hendersons said...

jo - talk to Grandma E.. she'll fill you in on all the fun! Hahaha