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January 26, 2009

Engagement Jumping Picture!

Head's up sports fan... but 2009 is off to a blazing start! First, Joel and Carissa got hitched.. leaving us some amazing images. Then, Hannah pumps up a blog and it's game on.

Now, Jon and Rachel are bringing it big time with this effort. Yep, Jon and Rachel went to San Francisco and more precisely Fort Point - just below the Golden Gate bridge - to have some engagement photos taken. And this one is MONEY!

The bar is clearly set sky high for best jumping picture of 2009! Yeah, that's right.. but here's a couple of kids that aren't afraid get air in an attempt to get over that bar!

Determining the best jumping picture involves applying a very complex algorithm factoring in location, number of people, attire, expression, attention to detail, vetical lift, degree of difficulty (high heels!), etc. But, these are going to be awfully hard to beat!

You've got 11&1/2 months to try! Get on it!

P.S. Note the extremely high marks that Rachel gets for color coordinating her shoes with the bridge! Sha-boo-ya!


~joanne said...

Wait till the Buckner's submit there 'jump' picture!

The Hendersons said...

joanne! you might want to start training jaci.. you get bonus points if the dog jumps with you ;)

i'll post them if you submit them!

Lurinda said...

Will have to work on this one! See what I can to to get the Shrauger's involved. This will be a tough one since we are all over the country but will have to work on it in March!

~joanne said...

Jaxi....she's got jump...she's part Jack Russell

Joel said...

The challenge is on, and you shall all be pwnd.

The Hendersons said...

oops... sorry joanne.. jaxi!! my bad!

Anonymous said...

Just wait people. The Logans are going to be the new power couple. Extraordinary jumping is yet to be seen.