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January 11, 2009

Bridesmaids, Mothers and More

Thankfully, for the ladies, the bridesmaid pictures were taken inside. I think many were taken by the photographer in the prep room and elsewhere. I can offer you the following which were taken inside the sanctuary before the wedding.

First are the bridesmaids. From left to right it's Hannah, Dawn (the maid of honor), Carissa and Chanel. Hannah, obviously is the bride's sister-in-law. Dawn was a roommate while Carissa was in college - as was Chanel. They were all very fun people and I have to apologize.. but I just find the 'fun' pictures reflect a bit more of their true spirit.. so these aren't the most formal of pictures! The second picture - well, I'm not exactly sure what the photographer was going for (the wife scorned??).. but it shows alot of attitude!

Here's a couple pictures of the mothers with their kids. The first one is Carissa with her mother, Joan. You can see the joy they are having on the big day. Congratulations are due Joan who did a fantastic job, with Carissa, of planning the wedding and tirelessly leading up to the wedding to decorate the church and reception hall and prepare most of the scrumptious foods we all enjoyed at the reception. It's been a pleasure to get to know Joan over the last few months. She did an excellent job of keeping us informed and feeling involved with the process as the weeks approached. We look forward to building a great relationship with her! And next there's Julie with Joel. Doesn't she look amazing?! She and I were so happy for Joel on his special day. You can tell that from the pictures!

Finally, here's a couple more fun shots of the wedding party - just to show you how much fun they all had together!

More later...

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